How to Show Yourself Self-Love on Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day shines a light on the relationships we have in our lives – or lack of certain relationships – and can stir up an array of emotions. For some, Valentine’s Day is seen as a joyous holiday to celebrate love and romance with a significant other. As for others, this holiday tends to bring up feelings of loneliness and depression, especially for individuals without a partner to celebrate with. While these feelings are completely reasonable and understandable, it’s important to remember that loneliness and unhappiness don’t go away with distractions and being in a relationship won’t instantly solve all of your problems. In fact, there is one relationship that everyone has, and many argue is the most important of all: the relationship with yourself. Yes, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, but why not show yourself some love in the same way you would a partner or friend? Setting aside the day, or even a few moments, to show yourself some extra love and compassion is a great way to put yourself first and practice self-love. Spending time by yourself can help you gain a deeper understanding of who you are and why. Not only can gaining this knowledge be gratifying and helpful on your own personal journey, but it also may improve your relationships with others.

Regardless of your relationship status this Valentine’s Day, let it be an opportunity to spend time alone and deepen the connection you have with yourself.

Why spending time alone is POSITIVE:

  • One of the greatest benefits of spending time alone is how it helps you develop a better understanding of who you are. Spending time with yourself gives you a chance to clear your mind, process your emotions and feelings, and enhances your ability to assess your current needs and tend to them.

Being Alone vs. Being Lonely:

  • We sometimes associate “being alone” with “being lonely,” and it is important to realize that there is a difference between those two. Being “alone” is a physical state where you are physically by yourself. Being “lonely” is an emotional state where you are feeling alone or disconnected from others – even when they’re right next to you.

Ways to spend alone time on Valentine’s Day:

  • Soak in a hot bubble bath. Light some scented candles and play your favorite music. (Tip: add a few cups of Epsom salts in the bathwater as it helps relieve stress and promote the quality of your sleep!)

  • Try out that restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to

  • Sign up for a fun class. Ever wanted to learn how to do yoga, make soy candles, leather crafts, or pottery?

  • Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. There's something so satisfying about a fresh, colorful bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase on your kitchen table!

  • Spend time making a vision board. Buy your favorite magazines, print your favorite pictures, and collage them all together into a vision board as you think about all the big goals and plans you hope to achieve.

  • Go lingerie shopping. Any day is a good day to buy yourself some lingerie that makes you feel empowered! Choose one that makes you feel beautiful and wear it for yourself.

  • Treat yourself to the most delicious dessert and enjoy every bite!

Lexi Haft


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